Category Archives: Consular Services

Update Consulat du Maroc Visit

The Moroccan consulates visit to Vancouver has been postponed to the new year. The Vancouver visit will come right after the Edmonton one in January of 2015. The exact date will be posted once we have a confirmation. In the mean time and if you haven’t done so already, please register with us and let us know what type of service you require. Please also visit the consulates website to find out the the type of documents you might need:

Mobile Consulate Update

Good evening everyone,

Please see the attached B.C. Consular Services Press Release.1. regarding consular services and the Mobile Consulate Visit to BC.

Up to date, we have collected 61 various consular services requests from the Moroccan community here in Vancouver. The Consulate officials in Montreal determined that many of the services requested could be done via mail, and there is no reason for an in-person service unless fingerprints need to be taken (eg. in the case of getting a National ID Card).

We invite you to:

  1. Read the above attached press release
  2. Visit the consulates website ( to determine if an in-person service is required or if you are able to have your services performed via mail
  3. Reach out to other fellow Moroccans who might have a need of the consulate in-person services. A substantial number of requests is required for the consulate to approve a Mobile service here in BC.

The consulate officials, will be contacting individuals who signed up with us and who might be able to have their services preformed by mail.